Monday, May 2, 2011

2nd chances...

When we first moved in (Feb. 2010) every living thing that was in our yard was covered by at least 3 feet of snow. A couple of months later Spring graced us with her presence, and we realized we had a yard, and some grass-mostly dead grass. Most of the shrubs and plants had been cut all the way down to the ground, so we were in for some surprises... A couple rose bushes, some (not so exciting) shrubs sprouted back, along with another plant that remained a mystery. Oh how this lush plant grew and grew, but still no flowers. We waited until Fall for a bud or a flower, but still no sign of any blooms. "Let's give it one more year, and if it doesn't impress us next Spring then we'll dig it up..."

A 2nd chance was all this plant needed. Low and behold, we've got PEONIES-quite possibly my favorite flower! I'm still not sure what color blooms we'll have (future post perhaps?) Big buds are ready to burst, and the anticipation is killing me... We were meant to live here, I'm sure of it. How did our little house know this would bring me sooo much joy? Today is a day to give thanks for all the little things in life, and don't forget to stop and smell the roses peonies.

Ever wonder why you see ants hanging out on Peony buds? 
The answer is HERE!

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