Thursday, March 17, 2011

Release the PEEPS

Today felt like Spring, but their was still something missing... PEEPS! Where are my sweet, marshmallowy friends? I’ve checked several grocery stores, and still not a single peep sighting. 
The Washington Post has an annual peep diorama contest, and this year I decided to give it a whirl. Still brainstorming a theme, so I thought some peeps might add some inspiration. I guess I need to be patient. In the meantime, check out last year's winner (like woah,) and all the other amazing entries!


  1. I saw some peeps at Sheetz like a month ago! I can't believe you can't find them in any of the grocery stores. Check CVS. Incidentally, I find peeps to gross for words.

  2. i must expand my search! I don't eat them either, but they are sooo darn cute!!
