Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Michelle’s 12 step recovery program

Spring Cleaning Sick Cleaning
I had big plans to start spring cleaning this week. However, life seemed to take me in a different direction... My throat was bothering me, and now my ears are rejecting hearing... I feel like I’m swimming under water in a pool of misery. So I headed to the Doc, and it turns out I have Strep Throat. Eww. 
After I finish my (Jewish) mother’s matzah ball soup (I highly recommend keeping homemade soup in your freezer,) I’ve got a house to disinfect! Here’s some sick cleaning tips to get you and your home back to normal, or better than normal!
  1. Drink liquids, tea, soup, warm broth, Pho, and stay away from diary!
  2. Stick to the “BRAT” diet, bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.
  3. Rest.
  4. Wash your hands a lot.
  5. Take vitamins.
  6. Watch funny videos on youtube.
 And when you’re feeling up to it...
7. Strip the bed, and get some fresh linens out. Don’t forget to wash everything with warm or hot water.
8. Toss out that old toothbrush.
9. Stretch, or do some mild yoga.
10. Get the Lysol out, spray the house, and then leave the windows open for a while to air out.
11. Clean the bathroom (yuck.) And then 
12. TAKE A LONG RELAXING BATH, plus the steam will help if you have congestion.

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