Monday, March 14, 2011

Stem or Stemless?

Like people, wine glasses come in different shapes and sizes. Stemless wine glasses seem to be the latest craze. Why do the Fabers have them, simple-because we are NOT the most coordinated people & we hate cleaning up broken glass (no, it’s not because we’re trendy.) When we registered for them I was sooo excited to have finally found a solution to our clumsy wineglass mishaps... Can somebody please tell me the reason for a stem?!
What's that wikipedia? You seem to know the answer, "The traditionally held-to-be proper way to drink from a wine glass, especially when drinking white or otherwise chilled wine, is to grasp it by the stem. The most commonly accepted reasoning for this is to avoid fingerprints on the bowl, and to prevent the temperature of the wine from being affected by body heat."
Ok, that works, but know that I'm sticking with stemless for now...

Look at all of the choices Crate & Barrel offers:

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